Sunday, October 13, 2013

Good Sunday!
This is my first blog and I hope that everyone enjoys it.  Anyone that knows me knows I love movies. Movies of every kind but my favorite genre is Horror.  This blog is committed to anything and everything horror.  From Alfred Hitchcock to Herschel Gordon Lewis. I love it all so my first blog is going to be about my current obsession. American Horror Story Season 3- Coven.  I first got hooked on AHS shortly before Season 2 started.   I started watching Season one on Netflix and I was hooked.  It was just bizarre enough to keep my on the edge of my seat and wanting more.  I watched the first 3 episodes in a span of 3 days then finally locked myself in my room for a full Sunday so that I could finish it.  Being a mother, it takes a lot of scheming and planning to get to watch anything that is not related to Disney or Nickelodeon.
Season 3 Coven
Episode 1.
It is so weird to see Emma Roberts (Madison) in such an intense adult role but I do like her harsh stuck up character as it is a change from her Nickelodeon days but not an all out "look at me I think I am an adult" a la Miley Cyrus.  She is at the school as an "intervention" after clobbering her director with a stage light. "The light hit him just right"  was one of my favorite of many hilarious lines from episode 1.
I am so glad to see Taissa Farmiga (Zoe) back for another season and as I wished, with Evan Peters (Kyle) as a love interest.   Poor Taissa this season has a "cursed crotch" to say the least as the two men she has has sex with have gone into a straight up EBOLA convulsion and died.
She meets Evans character Kyle at a frat party in a Baz Lurman Romeo and Juliet scene where they see each other through an ice sculpture instead of a fish tank.  I know all the season one fans including me refer to their relationship as Romeo and Juliet with a ghostly twist.  Evan seems to be the good guy this season as he is the Designated Sober brother so that his frat brothers will not get into trouble at the party. It is hinted by his little speech that they have been in trouble before.  After meeting him, Taissa tells him they can never be together and then all Hell breaks loose.  A "brother" runs into Emma Roberts and decides to drug rape her and an all on gang rape takes place.  Evan finds his brothers who are taking pics and filming the whole thing and tries to stop it.  While boarding the bus to leave, the instigator of the whole rape tells everyone to delete anything they have recorded and Evan gets hit in the head knocking him to the floor of the bus.  Meanwhile Taissa consoles her still drugged fellow witch and tells them "I'm not letting them get away with this!"  Unfortunately, speed is not one of her powers and the bus pulls away as she runs outside.  Emma stumbles behind her and with the flick of a finger, flips the bus over as it is driving away killing what I am guessing is most of the Frat Boys.  We later find out that Evan's character is dead and Taissa gets some sweet revenge by killing the main comatose rapist with her special "talent".  One thing I can say for AHS.  There is never a shortage of sex, but at least it ties into the story and makes it more interesting.
Onto the AHS history lesson.  The Sadistic Madam LaLaurie (Kathy Bates) who tortured slaves is introduced and we are shown to her underground dungeon where we meet a man who's face has been skinned, men who have been beaten and men whom she uses their ground Pancreases as a gory beauty reg amine to keep her husband faithful (like rubbing ground organs on her face would make her more appealing). The slave who is seduced by her daughter is accused of rape and ends up with a Bull Head (literally) and we later find out he was the lover of Marie LaVeau (Angela Bassett) one of Louisianan's most famous women.  She poisons LaLaurie with a "love potion" to keep her husband from cheating and she is buried beneath the cities stone streets.
Back to the future Jessica Lange (Fiona) comes into town as the "Supreme" and doesn't like the way her daughter Sara Paulson (Cordelia) is running the witch school.  Lange puts on another great performance as a rich widow who sucks the life out of her "plastic surgeon" and is younger looking for all of 30 seconds or less in an Iron Butterfly scored cocaine binge.
Lange takes the student witches including extremely talented Jamie Brewer (Nan) (Addie from Season 1) on a Field trip where hears LaLaurie under the street.  Lange hires some men to dig her up in the middle of the night and upon Bates dazed escape from her long dirt nap, Lange looks at her dated attire and says "Let's go Mary Todd".
I look for this season to be more gory and a deeper story than last season though I liked Season 3.  The cast (returning and new) is amazing with young and seasoned talent mixed together.  I am looking forward to seeing what kind of monster Taissa and Emma create next week as they decide to Frankenstein Evan's character so Taissa can have her perfect man.
Hopefully I can blog again sooner after next Wednesday to give you an update.
Sweet Nightmares :)

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